Sueanne Pacheco | Mental health
Sueanne Pacheco is the author of Mrs. Langlois' House. She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario. She finds herself inspired by the time she spends with her family and friends, and by her observations of the experiences of women
Sueanne Pacheco, Mrs. Langlois' House, Author, Book, Where to Buy Mrs. Langlois' House, About Sueanne Pacheco

Mental health Tag

Man or A Seahorse

  Shadow owns me. I open my eyes. Slivers of sunlight cast docile shadows on the popcorn ceiling that meets the white wall of my unpacked, messy bedroom. I breathe deep. I watch the puppet show. What twin shadow follows me? I’m both lured and irked by ripples of light and dark on my wall. I close my eyes in hopes sleep will call me back to the veil of dreams....

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