Sueanne Pacheco | Sueanne Pacheco Blog
Sueanne Pacheco is the author of Mrs. Langlois' House. She currently resides in Toronto, Ontario. She finds herself inspired by the time she spends with her family and friends, and by her observations of the experiences of women
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A girl with a backpack. Stands on a pier. Looking out at the water. Blog Post - Title: Why Transition Shapes Your Story - Sueanne Pacheco

Why Transition Shapes Your Story

Welcome to Sueanne A place where you, (the readers) are important.. Your stories are important. How each of you tell your story is important – whether verbally, through paintings, photography, video or by written word you are the story. We are born lovable and vulnerable. We are shaped by the transitions occurring at wanted and unwanted moments in our lives. As social creatures, we seek to find a way to...

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