Why Transition Shapes Your Story
Welcome to Sueanne Pacheco.com. A place where you, (the readers) are important.. Your stories are important. How each of you tell your story is important – whether verbally, through paintings, photography, video or by written word you are the story. We are born lovable and vulnerable. We are shaped by the transitions occurring at wanted and unwanted moments in our lives. As social creatures, we seek to find a way to understand each one of these transitional experiences.
Transition is change.
Every transition is accompanied with:
- A roller coaster of feelings: sadness, anger, confusion, anxiety, self-doubt
- A loss of self-esteem
- A period of unknown >where we begin to accept the change
- An acceptance we must let go of the past
- A feeling of hope for the future
- An optimism for what could be
I, Sueanne Pacheco, am currently going through just such a transition. In just three months, I have experienced job loss, serious illness of a parent, and will soon become an ‘empty nester’ as my youngest prepares for university.
Even as I say this out loud to myself, it is enough to make you want to curl up into a fetal position, sob and sob some more. I’m understanding it’s normal for us to feel sadness for what we are leaving behind. I’m also realizing it is very important to mourn loss and fear of the unknown even before developing optimism for what is to come.
Well, what is to come?
What’s to come is a resilient, Sueanne Pacheco. I am the sum of loss, fear, joy and courage. This transition gave me a good, swift kick in the gut, and I am finding my way back. Writing has always been my way back to healing.
Who is Sueanne Pacheco?
I write stories. I write your stories. The kind of stories to suspend and comfort you, to make you chuckle just enough to remind you, you are ok just as you are. As you come along with me on this writing adventure, I want to inspire you, to move you, and for you to give yourself permission to go after your story.
As I reflect on the transitions shaping my life, I see each and every one of them, have been purposeful (though the riveting stress at the time limited my understanding). The universe at each one of these moments forced my hand by asking me to grow introspectively regardless of whether I was ready.
The gritty and real, undercurrent of my growth has always been racism and poverty. These pivotal pillars molded who I am intrinsically. I’m the embodiment of a child who saw both sides – the life of the haves and the life of the have nots. These uncomfortable and sometimes, indefinable life transitions which I couldn’t understand as a child, I now understand were the doors to either opportunity or despondency.
Here’s what you can expect of me
As a storyteller from the eyes of a mother, sister, business woman, child of the universe, and friend, I write to be the voice of young adult women silenced by racism and poverty. I write to inspire you to achieve your dreams.
How Will I Get You to Go After Your Story?
Through the strong, inspirational fictional characters from my writings, my hope is you will gather wisdom to manage your ‘unknown’ space. Too often, you may have been made to feel awkward, perhaps lacking style or nerdy (like me). Today and every day, you need to know your unique self is meant to make a difference, even if it is only one life – your life, you have achieved love.
I will ask you to seek knowledge every day. Look up, and look around at all that is happening. Create pathways to help you get to your ‘what could be’. If you want general direction on your writing, bounce an idea or have questions, visit my author page Sueanne Pacheco .com.
Whatever emotional ride you are facing - the prospect of starting a new high school, college or university, a new job, is well, frankly – mentally draining. Starting new is an opportunity to allow your strengths to fly. To do this, set small actionable goals for yourself. For example, ‘I will read one book a month.”
With any transition, be present and aware of what is happening inside you, talk to a trusted family member, name your feelings (sad, lost, scared) and ask, “How do you really want to spend your time here on earth?”
With that said, I want to share with you, one of my favourite quotes: "What lies behind us and lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember, always consider what lies within you.
Christine Panourgias
HEY! This was a great read Sueanne! I look forward to reading the rest of your posts!
Cheryl Murray
Hey Sueanne, I must second that statement above. “a beautiful read”. Thank you for that! An amazing thing is happening here! Blessings